Friday, March 29, 2013

Loveless Act 41

The lingering fear of failure
The wretched despair of loss
How does one conquer these obstacles
The Wandering Wanderer ponders

Well....was using the toilet halfway and then I decided to squeeze in this last post before I sleep....
Now lets see. Working at the Men's Fair is by far the worst fair I have ever worked at. I mean,if I have people who I can interact with (not old people mind you) I would not mind so much, but yeah... I was not so lucky... As much as I like to work,the prospect of working for 3 weeks more seems rather daunting..and this leads me to my next topic..

I wanted to work at the Hokkaido Fair for two reasons. The first was because of the staff there who are ever fun to work alongside with. And I guess the other would be her.

Somehow, I can't seem to shake off this weird feeling that I am hated and ignored by many people. Many of them girls. And maybe including her as well.I don't know..... I was never good with relationships....

Tchoukball....the word alone reminds me of countless number of times that I have jammed my fingers....but rather for today,I felt useless. My shin splint aside (gosh if annoys me....) I just can't seem to improve...

They say that problems are all interlinked regardless of how they started. I guess this applies now for me.....

Time to sleep now...eyes are getting droopy. Nights people.