Thursday, January 28, 2010

Loveless Act 11

The tears that slowly flow.
The sorrow that fills the sky.
The anger spreading over the lands.
The wrath that is heard from the heavens.

The lone soul stands untouched.
Wishing only to be alone and saved.
The wild roses wilthing.
And the dandelions floating across the fields.

This turns out to be my final post for now.I will have to stop here.I went to school today angry and I was nearly late.
Next came SS and I fell asleep.I have not been getting enough sleep now-adays.I am getting awfully tired.
After my Math lesson,I went to wait for the camp meeting to start but before anyone even consulted me,I was thrown to logistics.
Normally I would argue for a bit but I lost it today.I saw the board and I literally slammed the door in their faces.I tried talking to Jeremy
but the advice was not very helpful.Next came Xavier who misunderstood me.Hafiz was trying to cheer me up.
I went back but I kept silent.No one wanted me anyway.No one asked me for any suggestions.Why?
Because they think I am dull and boring.They don't know me at all.All the problems and hardships that I face,they do not have too.It is completely
different.Talking to Marcus who was the one in-charge did not help at all.He simply did not understand me.
I am so lost and confused right now.
Victoria,I hope you can achieve your dreams unlike me.
I cannot help myself,but I can help you.